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Counting to Ten in Japanese


1.     ichi

2.     ni

3.     san

4.     shi (or yon)

5.     go

6.     roku

7.     shichi (or nana)

8.     hachi

9.     ku

10.   ju



Quick Reference to General Karate Terms


Shomen- front

Otagai- each other

Shomen ni rei- bow to the front

Sensei ni rei- bow to Sensei

Otagai ni rei- bow to each other

Osu- an enthusiastic yes; I will try my best; I will do my best to follow

Ki- inner power

Kiai- a loud shout emanating from deep within the body (not just from one's throat)

Karate do - empty handed way

Shihan - master

Sensei - teacher

Sempai - senior student

Kohai - junior student

Dojo - training hall

Obi - belt

Seiza - kneel, (to sit formal)

Mokuso - meditate

Mokuso yame- stop meditating

Rei - bow

Yoi - ready

Hajime - begin

Yame - stop

Naote - relax

Hidari - left

Migi - right

Jodan - upper

Chudan - middle

Gedan - lower

Dachi - stance

Zuki - punch

Uchi - strike

Uke - block

Geri - kick

Tai sabaki - body shifting

Yori ashi - foot shifting





kazama zuki - jab

choku zuki - straight punch

oi zuki - lunge punch

gyaku zuki - reverse punch

yama zuki - mountain punch

yoko zuki - side punch

shita zuki - inverted punch

ippon ken - one knuckle strike

uraken - back fist

tetsui - hammer fist

empi uchi - elbow strike

nukite-zuki - spear hand strike

shuto - knife hand

shuto-zuki - sword hand strike






jodan age uke - upper rising block

jodan tetsui zuki - upper hammer fist

gedan uke - lower block

kake wake uke - reverse wedge block

haishu-uke - back hand block

soto uke - inward middle block

uchi uke - outward middle block

morote uke - augmented block

teisho oshi uke - pressing palm heal block

shuto-uke - sword hand block

juji-uke - X block






zenkutsu dachi - front stance

kokutsu dachi - back stance

kiba dachi - horse stance

fudo dachi - rooted stance

neko ashi dachi - cat stance

hangetsu dachi - hourglass stance






hiza geri - knee strike

mae geri - front kick

yoko geri keage - side snap kick

yoko geri kekomi - side thrust kick

fumakomi - stomp kick

mika zuki geri - crescent kick

mawashi geri - round kick

tobi geri - jump kick

ni mae geri - double front kick

ushiro geri kekomi - back thrust kick




Kihon (basics)


Oizuki- step in punch

Ageuke- rising block

Sotouke- outside block

Uchiuke- inside block

Gedan- down block

Maigeri- front kick

Kekomi- side thrust kick

Keage- side snap kick

Mawashigeri- round house kick

Ushirogeri- back kick

Gedanbarai- step in down block

Zenkutsudachi- front stance

Musubidachi- heels together/toes pointed out (for bowing)

Heisokudachi- feet together (for practicing kicking in place)

Shikodachi- standing about two shoulder width distance wide, toes pointing out

Kibadachi- horse riding stance (about two shoulder width distance wide, toes straight or slightly in)


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